Waterless printing performance in five aspects of the more prominent: 1 superior quality printing (1) Copy the image more realistic. Waterless offset plates of flat intaglio structure can effectively control dot gain, while the printing process without dampening solution, there was no problem of ink emulsion screens, making the network more clearly. Using waterless offset, even though the number of screen lines only 175lpi, in print can fully reproduce their tone changed. (2) can greatly improve the overlay accuracy and productivity. Overlay accuracy is an important criterion for evaluation of print quality. Waterless offset process because no fountain solution transferred to the paper, it can significantly reduce the chance of paper fibers swell, especially in water-sensitive materials such as rice paper, writing paper and tissue paper, etc. on Lucky two glue, can achieve high overlay accuracy. Meanwhile, the double-sided printing, its effect by water twice as large than the single-sided printing, if there is no effect of dampening fluid, the register accuracy and efficiency will be greatly improved printing. In addition, the prepress, waterless also eliminates the need for overprinting problems of various process changes, resulting in improved production efficiency. (3) has a stable color density. Waterless offset printing process is not interference dampening fluid, making transmission more smoothly dimensional printing ink, ink transfer is more stable and can be printed in a stable density, thus ensuring the consistency of printing. (4) can be adapted to all kinds of printing materials. Do not use waterless fountain solution, has expanded its range of options for printing materials, making all kinds of films and synthetic substrates such as poor water absorption can be selected printers, this advantage has also attracted a lot of UV printing customers. (2) environmental protection and good Environmental issues facing the world today one of the most important issues, waterless offset lower VOC emissions than conventional offset by 60% ... of 80 percent, significantly reducing the impact on the environment. Measured in a traditional plant and waterless offset printing process in the production of VOC emissions compared in Table 1. 3 high economic At present, although waterless offset printing plates and ink price is slightly higher, but do not use a fountain solution can save a fee standards and certification, and with the dampening solution related equipment maintenance costs and wastewater treatment costs can be saved ; secondly, waterless offset higher registration accuracy and can effectively reduce registration time, reduce waste sheets, improve the efficiency of Screen printing with high economy. 4 is suitable for the implementation of cross-regional management and standardization With some of the company's business expansion across the region increasingly difficult to manage, throughout the production environment, material properties, production line workers the ability to vary, to make the same product with the same printing quality is very difficult. Standardization of waterless offset only need to set the temperature and printing pressure, we can guarantee the consistency of printed materials, it is suitable for cross-regional management and standardized implementation. 5 can reduce the operator's technical requirements Currently, the lack of a high level of professional printing technical personnel, if the operator does not need attention ink balance, as long as the full attention printing overprint, the company can develop in a short time more and more skilled operators acquisitions, ease staff shortage issue. Overall, the waterless offset printing technology is a way to improve the quality and environmentally friendly printing methods, the use of waterless offset printing technology, printing companies is expected to further improve the management level, improve the comprehensive competitiveness and industry influence. Therefore the financial crisis, waterless offset with broad space for development, especially as people pay attention to environmental protection as well as a higher level of print quality, I believe waterless offset technology will be more and more printing companies accepted and applied.